The shortest path of grain is the best –
ideally, directly from the field to our silos
The largest part of our total annual milling capacity of around 100,000 metric tonnes of wheat, rye and spelt is obtained from farmers from Baden-Württemberg. Rettenmeier Mühle supports producers with any quality-related questions they may have. Whether it’s variety selection, soil management, seeding or fertilisation, crop protection, harvesting, transport, quality assurance or certification, we view agriculture and milling as teamwork and coordinate closely with our contractual farmers. We share this quality consciousness when it comes to growing grain. Our quality philosophy, which we created together, excludes some traditional methods. Distributing sludge throughout the fields, for example, is taboo.
Our purchasing policy:
Under suitable harvest conditions, regional products of the desired quality with a verified origin have absolute priority over grains from other states in Germany or other European countries.
- The most precise possible testing and selection of qualities prior to raw material storage.
Sourcing of trade goods (hard wheat products, organic products etc.) from our milling partners who have the same understanding of quality as we do.